The publication today of 2003 KS4 results shows that of the 168 schools with a highest value added score of 103 or more 96% (161) are comprehensives.
Commenting on the publication David Chaytor MP, Chair of Comprehensive Future said
“As expected, comprehensive schools have once again swept the board in this year’s Key Stage Four Value Added Tables. The growing understanding of the value added concept, and the stunning performance of our leading comprehensive schools, should be the final nail in the coffin of the case for selective secondary education in England. I have today (Thursday) submitted a written parliamentary question to the Secretary of State asking him what plans the Government has to assist grammar schools to benefit from the value added performance of our leading comprehensive schools”
Professor Sally Tomlinson, Emeritus Professor Goldsmiths College, Research Associate, Dept of Educational Studies, University of Oxford, and member of Comprehensive Future Steering Group said –
“This value-added analysis demonstrates how unnecessary selection of pupils has become. Comprehensive schools are as capable of raising standards for all pupils, including the most able, as are the remaining grammar schools. It is time that government ended all selective testing at 11 and encouraged grammar schools to take pupils of all abilities”.