Interactive map of grammar schools
There are 163 grammar schools in England. Our interactive map reveals many of the hidden facts about these schools. You can use the + and – buttons to zoom into a specific area and find out more. You can also use our selective education guides to find out more about academic selection in your area.
The interactive map highlights some of the many problems with academic selection:
- The majority of children who win a place at grammar school come from more advantaged families. Our map reveals that on average only 6.7 percent of grammar school pupils are claiming free school meals compared to 28.4 percent attending nearby non-selective schools.
- It seems that pupils attending fee-paying ‘prep’ schools may have an advantage when sitting the 11-plus. Our map shows that at 11 grammars, more than a fifth of pupils previously attended a fee-paying “prep” school, while nationally only 5% of primary pupils attend private schools.
- Many grammar schools admit pupils who do not come from the local community and who travel long distances to be able to attend school. Our map shows that 29 grammar schools admit 50% or more pupils from outside the local authority area.
- SEND pupils rarely attend grammar schools. Grammar schools admit on average 4.3% SEND pupils, the proportion attending non-selective schools in grammar areas is 15.5%.
- Children in care rarely attend grammar schools. 68 (of 163) grammar schools had no looked after children in their schools.
- Many believe that grammar schools have a particular academic ‘standard’. In fact selective schools set their test pass marks according to available places. Some grammar schools only admit the top 10% of pupils who pass the test, while others are far less selective. Our map gives a guide to the selectivity of each grammar school.
Would you like to know more about 11-plus selection in your area? Read our selective education guides to find out more about academic selection in your area.
To learn about the data sources for our interactive map and selective education guides click here. If you spot any errors in the data for any school, please let us know.