Grammar school head guilty of misconduct 

A head of a grammar school that kicked out lower-performing sixth-formers has been found guilty of misconduct. He said he was not aware that it was unlawful at the time as it was “common practice” amongst grammar schools. It is shocking that the St Olave’s grammar school head felt it was acceptable to disrupt pupil’s education all for the sake of school results, and worrying that he is the only head to be found out, despite his assertion that other grammar schools also acted unlawfully. This high profile case means grammar schools might now be more careful about off-rolling pupils, but many will simply raise their GCSE entry requirements and force pupils to leave at 16. This is of course legal, but is it really in the best interests of the pupils?

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Important new research shows grammar schools results are no better for higher attaining pupils
Sending a child to a selective state school confers no benefit if they are high-achieving at age 11 and may even put them at a disadvantage, suggests new research. There is ‘no evidence’ selective school systems have a positive effect on pupil outcomes, and those who don’t get into grammar schools fare worse than those in areas without them, a study has found.
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Guernsey’s grammar school is now a non-selective school

Guernsey’s 11-plus was dropped in 2019 and the old grammar school has now been replaced with a new non-selective secondary school. This is proof that 11-plus tests can be ended with a smooth transition to comprehensive education. Why doesn’t England look to the future and do the same?

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Selective places to increase in Medway
Medway council is making plans for the percentage of pupils attending grammars to rise from 23% to 28%. It is surely  quite unfair to local non-selective schools to cream off more high-attaining pupils and create more of a secondary-modern effect in their schools.

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Eton set to open new selective sixth forms

Eton College is set to open selective sixth-form centres in three English towns. The private school has teamed up with Star Academies and will create the colleges in Dudley, Middlesbrough and Oldham. It sounds like there is no proven need for local sixth form places, and won’t these elite selective sixth forms have all the same problems that grammars schools do?

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CF Patron, Fiona Millar, suggests Labour should end the 11-plus

In an excellent article for the Guardian, Fiona Millar suggests Labour should phase out the 11-plus, tighten up the admissions code to end flagrant social selection and ensure no school can achieve the best Ofsted grade unless its intake is representative of its local community. This article is well worth your time. 

Read more HERE

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